I do know that those ghosts of self-doubt are no longer there and I will do my best to succeed.

Study Tips for enabling students - #2 Stay focused


I think I have a lot to offer to my university studies. I know I am a hard worker but I just need to stay focused.
  • Set your priorities

    What students said:

      I have turned into a person who would make commitments [that] I couldn't keep into a person who knows their limits and now realises that family and studying is my biggest priority.

      I study on weekends and sometimes miss out on doing things as a family. I try to study at night but like spending quality time with my husband while he is home.

  • Stay motivated

    What students said:

      I am very motivated to achieve all the goals I have set for myself.

      I wanted to focus on getting a career that I love instead of a job that I like.

      Don't want to be stuck in the rut I am in for my whole life, I want to inspire my son.

      It will set an example to my children, that no matter your background or age, a university education is always possible.

      I want to re join the workforce. My children are old enough to 'look after themselves' for periods of time and I want to do something for myself.

  • Keep your eyes on the prize

    What students said:

      I once met an inspirational Occupational Therapist, so inspirational, that I am on my way to become one.

      I do enjoy it and hope I can be successful and gain entry to a law degree.

      I am going to study an applied diploma ... next year in an area that interests me - family history .

      I have always enjoyed doing 1st Aid etc. so decided on nursing.

      I want to become more self supporting and show my children that higher education even for a mum is possible.

      I really hope to complete a law degree ... I want to make a difference in people's lives, and I believe that I will.