What family members said:
I welcomed the idea of my partner going to uni, although I did pass some thought into the financial side of it. After a short time procrastinating I began to see the long term benefits … It was a place I thought I may have to finance my children through...not my wife! LOL! But now I see my wife as a role model for our children (FM Survey#235, partner of 40 year-old female student)
I’ve heard some milestones from mum … when I come in the door, she’s like “I went really well in that test”. I’m like “Oh that’s good” – just her tests and her finishing things and achieving things she really wanted to achieve … I think she’s more dedicated sort of … she’s more keen to do things. … more focused. (Vicki’s 17 year old son)
I was and am very proud of my daughter studying at university. I have always known that she can achieve anything so to see her completing this makes me the happiest mother. (FM Survey#226, mother of 43 year old female student)
My parents regularly talk about the positive changes going to uni has had on my brother. I have also noted a very distinct shift in the way other, less close, family members and friends speak about my brother, as if they now have more respect for him … My parents are beyond delighted that my brother is finally doing something with his life that he is passionate about and proud of. (FM Survey#224, 38 year old sister of male student)
She’s been doing very well and yes, she’s just been doing great. I’ve noticed that … she keeps telling me “I’ve got so many passes or so many points” and there are times she said she’s gets a distinction, “Oh congratulations” and everything. Well, first time she said “distinction” I went “What’s that?” I didn’t know. Then I said, “well at least you got one and I know that’s important” (Mother of Elle, 33 year old student, single mum of 3)
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What students said:
My journey of education has also been one of self discovery. As for my parents, they can't help the way they are, they are extremely supportive and great cheerleaders and understand as much as they can. (Survey#24, Female student, 30-40 years old)
When I got my first HD. I rang my mum and she goes “Are you doing the HD dance?” (Emily, 18 year old student)
Mum occasionally will ask how it’s going and is very encouraging and she’s a funny thing really. As soon as I got my first ever assignment mark and I was telling her about how pleased I was with it; her reaction was “Well, you’re doing so well. You never know, you might get a PhD one day”, you know, so we go completely from one extreme to the other. (Susanna, 43 year old student, mother of 3)
My husband is just so, so, so supportive. He’s stoked. He’s like that pretty much with anything that I choose to do and just 100% supportive. (Vicki, 41 year old mother of 3)
My daughter has been amazed that I’ve passed … I had two distinctions with Aboriginal Culture … because that really sits well with my own beliefs, and she just said “Mum, I’m just beyond proud”. (Sharnie, 57 year old student)
My four daughter's reactions were all much the same telling me to go on and give it a go, my partner is very supportive of my decision, other family members have reacted in different ways … My ex husband … used to say all I could ever do was clean toilets and mop floors as my education level would never get me anywhere or that I’d ever become a somebody … (Survey #45, 50+ year old female student)
Everyone was so happy for me. My parents especially!! There are plenty of opinions of what I could or should do, as our family love to put their two bob in! But they all know I am a grown up and respect my decision … (Survey#49, Female student, 30-40 years old, mother of 2)
I share my triumphs with the people who have helped me pursue them. You know, I share them with my parents and my sisters, I share them with my grandparents. … my mum does my bragging for me! (laughing). (Anthea, 21 year old student)
I’ll ring mum and say, you know, “I got on the dean’s merit list” and she’s like “Oh, that’s good. What’s that?” (Brady, 22 year old student)
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