...they have responsibilities they have to maintain – e.g. work, children, other responsibilities – and need to fit their studies around these
Some Student Comments
I try to do a couple of hours every day. I’ve got about… 12-18 hours of study every week so I try to do three hours every day. I get up and go and get the kids at 2:00 o’clock – they finish at 3:00 and then I study until dinner time, till 6:00 and then I cook dinner and then it’s my children’s time.
Up until recently I have studied during the middle of the day when my youngest one is asleep. He would sometimes sleep 2-3 hours during the day and I would have to put my four year old in front of the TV or something where he would get out of my hair and I would use those couple of hours during the day to study.
All day today I was doing my assignment. I got a fair bit done there and I got some other stuff done and then I got some stuff organised for the house. I was there to pick up my daughter from the bus; I'm here when the kids come home. You're able to support the family a bit easier. Then at night you just sit down and do some study; it suits everyone really.