...let them know that you are interested in them and that they are just as important as face-to-face students
Some Student Comments
If you’re in a classroom situation at least you can ask your fellow students or the tutors but when you’re remote, you have no idea and you have to try and work it out. You waste so much time; you’d be there for hours working out the problem before you even start the assignment.
I had to ask a lot of questions and I kind of had to force myself to email the tutor without feeling like I was being annoying or anything.
The support on the emails I find is very beneficial and helpful. They come at the right times that remind you that it doesn’t matter if you’re new or you’ve been at it for 10 years, everybody still faces the same problems where you need to get up and walk away or, if you need to have a sleep or if you’re just finding it’s all too hard, you’re not alone.
Sometimes just to be reminded you’re not alone, regardless of where everybody’s at. It helps because when you are doing studies online; you sit in your own worlds, just you and your computer and all your paperwork and textbooks around you and your everyday life and everything else going on and you just try to shut it off to the point you become so isolated and then you realise “Oh that’s right, it’s nice to know that there are other people sitting there doing that”
Some of the tutors actually would give you little snippets of their day in what they did in that hour, like what degree or whatever master’s they’re still trying to undertake and complete and give you a bit of a run-down on how many assignments and that.
They have online classes, like where you can go and talk and the teacher talks back.